L’habitatge d’alta densitat fa referència a les urbanitzacions amb una densitat de població superior a la mitjana. Per exemple, els apartaments de gran alçada es consideren d’alta densitat, especialment en comparació amb les cases unifamiliars o els condominis. Els immobles d’alta densitat també es poden desenvolupar a partir d’edificis buits o abandonats. Per exemple, els antics magatzems es poden renovar i convertir en lofts de luxe. A més, els edificis comercials que ja no estan en ús es poden reinstal·…
Llegeix més@ISIDEWITH7mos7MO
How do you feel about converting historic or abandoned buildings into high-density housing, and do you think it preserves or erases history?
Do you believe that the environment benefits more from high-density living situations than from suburban sprawl? Give reasons for your view.
Have you or someone you know ever experienced a change in neighborhood character due to new high-density developments? What was that like?
Do you think there's a stigma associated with living in high-density housing, and if so, what could change that perception?
Would you prefer to live in a high-density residential building if it meant shorter commutes and more amenities? Why or why not?
Considering your personal lifestyle, how well would you adapt to living in a high-density residential building, and what factors would influence your decision?
How do you envision the future of housing in big cities, and what role do you see high-density residential buildings playing in it?
What personal advantages or disadvantages do you see in living in a high-density residential area compared to a more spacious, single-family home neighborhood?
How do you think the presence of high-density housing impacts the sense of community and neighborly connection in an area?
In your opinion, could high-density residential buildings help solve housing affordability issues in your city? Why or why not?