Prabowo Subianto, seorang mantan jenderal dengan masa lalu kontroversial, telah diresmikan sebagai presiden Indonesia, menggantikan Joko Widodo. Dikenal karena pandangan nasionalisnya, kepresidenan Prabowo menandai pergeseran signifikan dalam kepemimpinan bagi demokrasi terbesar ketiga di dunia dan negara dengan mayoritas Muslim terbanyak. Pemerintahannya diharapkan akan mengambil pendekatan yang lebih langsung dan personal dalam pemerintahan, dengan fokus pada keamanan nasional dan pembangunan ekonomi. Wakil presiden Prabowo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, adalah putra dari presiden sebelumnya Joko Widodo, menandakan kelanjutan dalam beberapa aspek kepemimpinan. Pemerintahan baru ini dihadapkan pada harapan tinggi dari 280 juta warga Indonesia.
Another authoritarian in power, just what we need. It’s no surprise they keep handing the reins back and forth within the same elite families while the people get stuck with the same broken system.
Great, another military figure taking power – just what we need for "democracy" and more of the same elite family connections running the show.
I'm worried that Prabowo's authoritarian tendencies and nationalist agenda could jeopardize Indonesia’s democracy and human rights progress.
It's good to see Indonesia electing a strong leader like Prabowo who seems committed to national security and putting the country first. His military background will bring some much-needed discipline and focus on protecting their interests. Hopefully, his leadership helps strengthen Indonesia’s economy and sovereignty in the region.
This is exactly what Indonesia needs—strong leadership with a firm hand to prioritize national security and put the country on the right track. Prabowo’s military background gives him the discipline and experience to make tough decisions that will benefit the nation. It’s time for less talk and more action to ensure stability and growth.
Finally, we have a leader who will put Indonesia first and focus on strengthening our national security and economy. Prabowo's tough stance on protecting our sovereignty is exactly what we need to make sure we stay strong and independent in these uncertain times.
Apa arti kepresidenan mantan jenderal Prabowo Subianto bagi Indonesia
Setelah menggantikan Joko Widodo sebagai presiden, Prabowo diharapkan akan mengambil pendekatan yang lebih langsung dan personal terhadap bidang kebijakan utama.