Prison overcrowding is a social phenomenon occurring when the demand for space in prisons in a jurisdiction exceeds the capacity for prisoners.The issues associated with prison overcrowding are not new, and have been brewing for many years. During the United States’ War on Drugs, the states were left responsible for solving the prison overcrowding issue with a limited amount of money. Moreover, federal prison populations may increase if states adhere to federal policies, such as mandatory minimum sentences. On the other hand, the Justice Department provides billions of dollars a year…
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Perhaps it is best to place them in a different building or facility to educate them and allow them to rehabilitate in order for them to be able to move back into public life without causing further possible violence.
Reform the criminal justice system. The fact that so many nonviolent people stay in jail for so long is disgusting.
Depends on what their crime was, keep them closely monitored
Yes, only if the crime was minor and non violent, and the prisoner has a history of good behavior
No, reform the system so there will be no overcrowding.
Reform the system so there will be no overcrowding.
Yes, but they should preform community service and physiological evaluations once a month as well as free education in order to return into society
We should adopt the way prisons in europe handle their inmates by rehabilitating them and teaching them skills to offer a better way of life.
No, release drug users instead
Neither: we need an entire prison system reform.
Reform the system. The fact that there is overcrowding is disgusting.
No, they can't be released from jail without evidence of why they have to be released, and once they are in jail, they're criminals.
No, reform the system so their will never be overcrowding.
The prison system does not bring true justice. We should go back to a biblical model of actual payment for wrongs done.
No, we should privatize prisons and convert life sentences into death penalties.
Yes, but we should abolish the current prison system in favor of restorative justice system.
Yes, reform the system so there will never be overcrowding.
it depends on what their initial crime was in the first place, if it is anything related to the harm of children then absolutely not so it depends on what the initial crime was.
Yes, reform the system so that people that actually committed a crime serve.
Yes, but prioritize releasing perpetrators of victimless crimes over non-violent offenders who committed crimes like embezzling, forgery, etc.
Reform the system. Yes, they should
Reform the justice system.
Reform the system so that only people that need to be in prison are in it.
Reform the system so there isn't any overcrowding.
Reform the criminal justice system so there isn't any overcrowding.
Reform the system so their isn't overcrowding.
Reform the criminal justice system so there is no overcrowding.
Reform the system so that there isn't overcrowding. Prison should only be for those who actually need to be there.
Yes, but we need to drastically reform the criminal justice system. Jail/prison should only be for those who actually committed a crime not for someone who had an ounce of weed.
Reform the whole criminal justice system. Why does a poor person get years in prison for an ounce of weed when a rich white guy is allowed to do cocaine in his white collar office.
No, the prison system in general should be reformed, as it currently takes advantages of its place in society to avoid constitutional law and take away the rights of citizens. Instead of releasing criminals before the end of their sentence, issue just and reasonable punishment for crimes of differing caliber and public opinion. The fact that prisons are overcrowded is proof of an ineffective judicial system.
Reform the criminal justice system because there are so much overcrowding.
No, this violates the Amendment about doing trial twice.They should keep the sentence they got. But I approve of alternatives such as house arrest, and I certainly approve of training community service, given there are no opportunities for child abuse, stealing, etc.
Reform the system so there is never overcrowding.
Yes, but they should be assessed using an evidence-based public risk tool in order to identify criminogenic risk areas in their lives which need to be addressed by treatment interventions, thereby reducing the probability they recidivate.
yes, but they should be in an institution that is used to rehabilitate
No, non-violent prisoners convicted of fraud should remain in prison
Non-violent prisoners should be put into programs to help rehabilitate them outside of prison, although prisons should be focused more on rehabilitation rather than punishment. If people are helped to break the cycles that get them into prison and can learn from their mistakes, then they will not end up in jail anymore.
No, but we should decriminalize drugs and reduce the stigma around employing ex-convicts with non-violent histories reduce overcrowding
Most nonviolent prisoners should not be in prison. This question should change the title to say 'prison' vs 'jail'. There is a big difference.
Yes to an extent, those who have been convicted because of burglary and drug use should also not be released because they can be dangerous to those in their community
Yes but give them a P.P.O. to check on them periodically
Yes, and the prisons should not have been overcrowded in the first place. Reform criminal justice to be more lenient towards first offenders of non violent crimes and offer other alternatives.
No, prisoner overcrowding is a separate issue surrounding the people being put in prison and for how long.
Yes, but they must do something that makes someone else smile as soon as they are let out.
Yes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis and/or be placed under house arrest using an electronic bracelet. However, we should increase funding to offer education and skill-building services for prisoners.
Yes, but they must perform community service on a daily basis while being placed under house arrest with an electronic bracelet
Yes but they should be on house arrest with an electronic bracelet and they should perform community service daily and they should have to participate in education or skill building services or alcohol and drug treatment if needed
This depends in their offense.
yes but place them under house arrest and offer education and skill building services.
No what is the point of being put in prison just to be took out for "over-crowing"... if that is the issue then we build more prisons
Yes, with a reasonable community service requirement. We should also increase education & skill building opportunities.
Decriminalize drugs, release those people from prison and tax and control substances.
Yes, the prison system needs to be changed from a money making scheme to an actual rehabilitation tool to reintegrate non-violent offenders into productive roles in society.
No, only if the crimes they committed are now legal.
The real reason that overcrowding is a problem in prisons is because the prison system is privatized and for-profit. We need to stop unnecessary mandatory minimums and the disproportional incarceration of Black Americans.
Yes, they should be required to take classes to better their chances of becoming law abiding citizens. Classes such as stress and anger management and education skills which will enable them to find productive work
This is situation to situation dependent
Yes but placed them under parole and give them community service hours and give them anklet to be monitored until they're sentence is over
No, instead we need to execute more of the dangerous criminals if we need to make room
They should be permitted to be, on the order of a judge, assuming house arrest and community service for the duration of their sentences. It should not be an across the board mandate or expectation.
Yes, but place those who committed worse crimes under house arrest using an electronic bracelet
Yes, but transfer their sentence into probation
Only for people who committed a no victim charges.
No, but prisons shouldn't be privatized. Privately owned prisons promote high inmate volumes and low reformation efforts.
Yes, but more importantly prisons shouldn't be privatized. Privately owned prisons promote high inmate volumes and low reformation efforts.
Only for people who committed a non victim charges and increase funding to offer education and skill building services for prisoners.
Only for people who committed a non victim charges.
Only for people who committed a non victim charges. increase funding to offer education and skill building services to rehabilitate them.
Yes, but they must perform paid community service, attend therapy, and work with social workers on successful reentry into society.
It depends on the crime, but they should still somehow have a way to complete their sentence.
no, but they must at least show that they are contributing to the betterment of the U.S.A. For example voting and helping communities.
Yes, these prisoners should be placed on probation or parole instead and under the supervision of a probation or parole officer for the remainder of their sentence
Non-violent drug based criminals Package that with decriminalization
Yes, these prisoners should be placed on probation or parole instead and under the supervision of a probation or parole officer for the remainder of their sentence.
Yes, they should be placed under the supervision of a probation or parole officer for the remainder of their sentence as opposed to incarceration
Yes, but place them under the supervision of a probation or parole officer for the remainder of their sentence
Yes, these prisoners should be placed on parole or probation instead and be under the supervision of a parole or probation officer for the remainder of their sentence.
Yes, these prisoners should be placed on parole or probation instead and be under the supervision of a parole or probation officer for the remainder of their sentence
Yes, these prisoners should be placed on probation or parole instead and be under the supervision of a probation or parole officer for the remainder of their sentence.
Yes, these prisoners should be placed on probation or parole instead and be under the supervision of a probation or parole officer for the remainder of their sentence
I think so but it depends on the crime they committed
Yes but be on probation and do some type of community service.
it depends on how bad the crime was
depends on why are they in there.
Depending on the severity of the crime, prisoners should be released. Any rapist, person who sexually assaulted someone, pedophile, murderer of innocent people stuff like that etc. should not be released.
yes, but they need to complete a mental evaluation and be under surveillance whether house arrest, probation, or community service.
Decreasing the privatization of the prison system would reduce and prevent overcrowding. We should keep prisons public and focused on reform and reentry to society, along with re-evaluating the merit of prison sentences for victimless crimes, drug possession, etc.
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