Stranka Golkar ili Stranka funkcionalnih grupa politička je stranka u Indoneziji. Osnovana je kao Sekber Golkar 1964. godine, a prvi put je sudjelovala 1971. godine kao Golkar. U ovom trenutku Golkar nije bio politička stranka. Godine 1999., primorani novim izbornim zakonom, grupe su se reformirale kao politička stranka.
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
How does the idea of a party that started not as a political entity but as a group of functional groups affect your opinion on its legitimacy and goals?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
In what ways can the history of a political party influence its current ideals and policies?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
Do you think a party's adaptability to new laws, like the shift to become a political party, reflects positively on its flexibility and willingness to comply for the greater good?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
What is your stance on the need for political parties to have clear, accessible records of their policies and values for the public?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
How would you feel about a political party that has transitioned from a government-supported entity to an independent political party over decades?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
How important do you think it is for a political organization to evolve over time in response to societal changes?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
Can a political party's past significantly impact your trust in them today, and why?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
What role do you believe political parties should play in shaping education and employment opportunities?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
If a party has been involved in your government for decades, how might that affect the way you view its policies and actions?
@ISIDEWITH7 mjeseci7MO
Why do you think a political party's commitment to specific social and economic policies matters, and how does it affect your support for them?