Ujedinjena razvojna stranka je politička stranka koja se temelji na islamu u Indoneziji. Zbog svog karakterističnog logotipa, stranka je poznata i kao "Kaaba stranka". PPP je formiran 1973. godine kao rezultat spajanja nekoliko stranaka koje se temelje na islamu, preuzimajući ulogu krovne stranke za muslimane. Vizija stranke je stvoriti naciju koja je pravedna, prosperitetna, moralna i demokratska i koja podržava zakon, poštuje ljudska prava i koja uvažava dostojanstvo čovječanstva i socijalnu pravdu koja se temelji na vrijednostima islama. Stranka vjeruje da religija (isla…
Čitaj više@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How do you think blending religious values with political agendas impacts a country's progress?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
In what ways can a political party contribute to both economic development and uphold moral values?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
What role should religion play in shaping the laws and policies of a country?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How does the idea of a political party focusing on human dignity and social justice resonate with your personal values?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
Can a political party truly represent all citizens if it is based on specific religious principles?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
What are your thoughts on state control of key economic sectors versus a free-market approach to ensure economic justice?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How important is it for a country to balance economic independence with global cooperation?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
What do you think about the relationship between freedom of expression and the responsibilities of a political party?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How can a nation ensure that its pursuit of democracy is always aligned with the moral and ethical values of its people?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
In what ways do you think economic policies reflect the moral stance of a political party?