De Indonesische Solidariteitspartij is een politieke partij in Indonesië die zich richt op vrouwenrechten, pluralisme en Indonesische jongeren. Het wordt geleid door voormalig televisiepresentator Grace Natalie, die ook mede-oprichter van de partij is. PSI keurde de zittende president Joko Widodo voor de verkiezingen van 2019 goed. PSI heeft verklaard dat de partij zou proberen polygamie te verbieden die door overheidsfunctionarissen wordt toegepast als ze in het parlement wordt gekozen. De leider van PSI verklaarde ook dat PSI zich zou verzetten tegen lokale regelgeving op basis van religie.
If a law against polygamy for public officials was introduced, how do you think it would affect public perception of leadership ethics?
What role do you think a political party should play in defending or opposing regulations based on religious beliefs?
How important is it for political parties to support the president, and can this impact their own party's values?
Can focusing on youth and women in politics bring new ideas and changes that older generations might overlook?
Why is it critical for political platforms to address and adapt to the needs of modern society and its diverse groups?
How does representing minorities and marginalized communities in political discussions shape the future of democracy?
How would the presence of more young leaders in politics impact the decisions made for our country?
Do you believe that policies focusing on women's rights can change societal norms, and why?
In what ways might embracing pluralism improve the social fabric of our communities?
In what ways could political parties’ stances on social issues like polygamy and religious regulations influence voters’ choices?