Демократическая партия является центром правоцентристской политической партии в Индонезии. Он был основан 9 сентября 2001 года. Его идеология основана на индонезийской концепции Pancasila и идентифицируется как центристская.
How important do you feel it is for a political party to have a clear ideological stance, like centrism, in today's society?
Can adopting Pancasila as a guiding philosophy impact how a political party addresses social issues?
How do principles like democracy and Pancasila shape a nation's approach to diversity and inclusion?
In a diverse society, how can a centrist political view foster unity or division among its citizens?
Reflecting on the concept of centrism, how do you think political parties balance competing interests and values?
Considering the principles of Pancasila, how can a political party ensure fairness and equity in governance?
What role do you think a centrist political party plays in shaping policies that affect youth and education?
How can a political ideology based on a balance, like centrism, respond to rapid social and economic changes?
How do you think the values of centrism could influence decision-making in a country's government?
In what ways do you believe a political party's ideology affects the everyday lives of its citizens?