Партія Насдем - політична партія в Індонезії. Частково він фінансується медіа-бароном Сурією Палохом, який заснував організацію, що називається аналогічно, Національні демократи. Незважаючи на це та подібність логотипу, Насіонал Демократ наполягав на тому, що це не пов’язане з партією.
@ISIDEWITH7 місяців7MO
How do you feel about the influence of media figures on political movements, considering their power to shape public opinion?
@ISIDEWITH7 місяців7MO
What role should political parties play in promoting diversity and inclusion within their ranks and policies?
@ISIDEWITH7 місяців7MO
If a political party received substantial support from a business magnate, would you question its policies and decisions more closely?
@ISIDEWITH7 місяців7MO
How important is the source of a political party's funding in determining its priorities and values?
@ISIDEWITH7 місяців7MO
In what ways do you think young people can contribute to or influence the policies of established political parties?
@ISIDEWITH7 місяців7MO
Considering the importance of environmental sustainability, what expectations do you have from political parties in addressing climate change?
@ISIDEWITH7 місяців7MO
With the rise of digital media, how do you think political parties should evolve to better engage with the public?
@ISIDEWITH7 місяців7MO
Reflect on a time when a political issue deeply impacted your community; how did the local or national political parties respond?
@ISIDEWITH7 місяців7MO
How do you think political parties can balance the need for economic growth with the need to protect workers' rights?
@ISIDEWITH7 місяців7MO
What qualities do you think are most important for a political party to embody, and why?