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What would your ideal approach be for integrating merit into the selection process for leaders?


How do you think a balance between knowledgeable decision-making and democratic values could impact society's progress?


How would you balance individual freedom with the efficiency of expert-driven decisions in your ideal society?


What role do empathy and understanding play in a system where not every decision is made by popular vote?


What's one important lesson you've learned about group decisions from a school project?


How can we cultivate a culture that appreciates expert advice while retaining democratic values?


How would you feel if local community projects were decided by consensus rather than authority, and why?


How could your school experience be different if policies were decided by a mix of student input, teacher expertise, and academic achievement?


In times of emergency, such as natural disasters, who should be in charge and why?


What qualities do you think are essential for someone to contribute effectively to societal decision-making?


How might current events be handled differently if decisions were based on a blend of expertise and public consensus?


How does the notion of fairness play into your opinion of who should make important decisions in society?


What role does personal expertise play in the decisions you make daily, and how do you balance that with others' opinions?


Have you ever felt a decision was better made by someone with specialized knowledge rather than by a group's choice, and why?


When considering your future, how important is it that those making influential decisions are the best in their field?


What challenges do you foresee in a system that equally values democracy, meritocracy, and technocracy in decision-making?


Could you imagine a situation where the expertise of a few could better represent the interests of the many?


What would you consider the ideal balance between public opinion, merit, and technical expertise in creating laws?


How do you envision a fair method of selecting experts to make decisions in a society where everyone's opinion is valued?


When faced with a crisis, who do you think should have the final say: elected representatives, seasoned experts, or a collective public vote?


When it comes to your health, would you prefer decisions made by medical professionals or through public consensus?


If you could adjust the balance of power where you study or work, what changes would you make and why?


How would you prioritize between environmental protection decided by experts and economic concerns voted by the public?


What's one value that you think should never be compromised, no matter how a society is governed?


How can we ensure everyone feels included in a system where key decisions may be made by selected experts?


How might global challenges like climate change be approached differently in a government system that emphasizes expertise?


How important is it to have leaders who understand detailed technical issues versus those who understand people's feelings?


Is there a place in your life where you would prefer decisions to be made through consensus rather than expertise, or vice versa?


In which scenarios do you think the general public should have more say than experts?


If you could create a new system of governance, what would be the most important principle it should uphold?


What concerns might arise if we rely too heavily on technological solutions for societal problems?


How would you feel about a system where your vote's weight depended on your knowledge of the issue at hand?


Can you think of a scenario where a technocratic decision might go against popular opinion, and how would you reconcile that?


When it comes to large-scale decisions that affect your future, how much do you trust the general public vs. specialized experts?


With the concept of Tridemism, how would you imagine the process of electing or appointing leaders to change?


How would you react if your country decided to transition to a system of Tridemism?


Do you think a balance of expertise, popular vote, and merit can exist in a government without one overpowering the others?


How do you feel about the idea of Tridemism influencing the way our government makes decisions?