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Trump Membroker Jeda 30 Hari dalam Serangan Rusia pada Grid Energi Ukraina
Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed to a 30-day pause in attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure following a phone call with U.S. President Donald Trump. The Kremlin stated that Trump proposed a mutual halt to strikes on energy facilities as a step toward broader peace negotiations. Both leaders emphasized that any resolution must address Russia’s security concerns and limit foreign military aid to Ukraine. The White House and Kremlin released statements outlining the conditions of the temporary ceasefire. The agreement marks a significant diplomatic move, but its long-term impact remains uncertain.
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Trump, Putin Setuju Serangan Harus Dihentikan pada Infrastruktur Energi Dengan Kesepakatan Perdamaian yang Lebih Luas dengan Ukraina Akan Menyusul
Kedua presiden berbicara selama hampir tiga jam pada hari Selasa, dan setuju untuk memulai negosiasi perdamaian 'segera'.
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Trump, Putin agree on partial Ukraine ceasefire
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Aktivis Palestina menyebut dirinya sebagai 'tahanan politik' setelah ditangkap di AS
Mahmoud Khalil, a Palestinian graduate student from Columbia University, has been detained by U.S. immigration authorities for his role in pro-Palestinian protests. He has described himself as a 'political prisoner' and compared his detention to the experiences of many Palestinians facing imprisonment without due process. His arrest has sparked nationwide protests, including demonstrations in New York and Boston, as well as a brief occupation of Trump Tower. The Trump administration's push to deport Khalil has also raised concerns among green-card holders in the U.S. who fear similar actions. The case has become a flashpoint in the broader debate over immigration policies and political activism in the country.
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Mahmoud Khalil menyebut dirinya tahanan politik setelah ditangkap imigrasi AS
Mahmoud Khalil, mahasiswa Palestina di Universitas Columbia yang sedang diusir oleh pemerintahan Trump karena perannya dalam protes pro-Palestina, menyebut dirinya sebagai tahanan politik pada hari Selasa,
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Catatan Visa AS Pangeran Harry Akan Dirilis di Tengah Kontroversi Penggunaan Narkoba
A U.S. federal judge has ordered the release of Prince Harry's immigration records, which could reveal whether he disclosed past drug use when applying for his visa. The decision follows a lawsuit from a conservative think tank questioning the legality of his residency in the U.S. If the records show he failed to disclose drug use, it could raise legal concerns about his immigration status. The Department of Homeland Security is expected to release the documents by the end of Tuesday. The case has sparked debate over privacy and immigration policies for high-profile individuals.
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Aktivis Imigrasi Ditangkap Setelah Bertahun-tahun Berlindung di Gereja Sanctuary
Jeanette Vizguerra, a well-known immigration activist in Denver, has been arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Vizguerra had previously taken refuge in churches for years to avoid deportation and had helped establish a network of sanctuary spaces for undocumented immigrants. Advocates describe her as a key figure in the immigrant rights movement, calling her a 'warrior' and 'pillar' of the community. Her arrest has sparked renewed debate over immigration enforcement policies and the protection of long-time undocumented residents. Supporters are calling for her release and a halt to deportation proceedings.
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Tragedi Jatuhnya Pesawat di Pulau Honduras Menewaskan Banyak Orang
A small plane crashed into the sea off the coast of Roatán Island, Honduras, shortly after takeoff, resulting in multiple fatalities. Reports indicate that at least seven to twelve people lost their lives, while several others were rescued from the wreckage. The island, known for its tourism and diving spots, was the departure point for the ill-fated flight. Authorities are investigating the cause of the crash as rescue operations continue. Survivors have been taken to local hospitals for treatment.
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Pesawat Kecil Jatuh di Pulau Karibia di Honduras, Menewaskan 12 Orang
Polisi mengatakan lima orang selamat dari kecelakaan di Pulau Roatán, tujuan wisata yang terkenal dengan tempat menyelamnya.
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Kecelakaan pesawat kecil di lepas pulau Honduras menewaskan setidaknya 12 orang
Paling tidak 12 orang tewas Senin ketika pesawat kecil jatuh ke laut saat lepas landas dari sebuah pulau Karibia di dekat Honduras, kata pejabat.
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Kecelakaan pesawat kecil di lepas pantai pulau Honduras menewaskan setidaknya 7 orang
Paling tidak tujuh orang tewas pada hari Senin ketika pesawat kecil jatuh ke laut saat lepas landas dari pulau Karibia Honduras Roatan.
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Peluru Rudal Baru Ukraina 'Neptune' Menyerang Jauh ke Dalam Rusia
Ukraine has unveiled an upgraded version of its Neptune cruise missile, now capable of striking targets over 600 miles away. The missile has already been deployed in combat, marking a significant advancement in Ukraine’s military capabilities. Experts suggest this could shift the balance of power in Europe, potentially weakening Russia’s strategic position. President Zelensky also highlighted successful missile strikes and emphasized the need for increased production of both missiles and drones. This development comes amid ongoing battles in Ukraine, with Russia claiming territorial gains in Zaporizhzhia Oblast.
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Zelensky: Drone Jarak Jauh Ukraina Melewati Uji Tes 3.000 km
Zelensky juga mengungkapkan bahwa serangan misil dengan Long Neptune sangat efektif: "Kita perlu memproduksi lebih banyak misil, lebih banyak drone."
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Panggilan Trump-Putin: Sanksi atau Diplomasi?
Former U.S. President Donald Trump is set to speak with Russian President Vladimir Putin amid ongoing efforts to broker a ceasefire in Ukraine. Analysts suggest that the outcome of the call could determine whether Trump imposes severe sanctions on Russia or pursues further diplomatic engagement. The Kremlin has confirmed the discussion, which comes as Ukraine reportedly makes new advances into Russian territory. Some commentators believe Putin may be willing to negotiate due to his past relationship with Trump. The conversation could have significant implications for U.S.-Russia relations and the broader geopolitical landscape.
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Panggilan Trump-Putin menimbulkan pilihan antara sanksi atau 'eskala', kata analis
Presiden Donald Trump dan Vladimir Putin diharapkan akan berbicara pada hari Selasa saat Gedung Putih melanjutkan kampanye untuk gencatan senjata dan kesepakatan perdamaian eventual.
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Trump AKAN memberlakukan sanksi yang merugikan terhadap Putin jika panggilan hari ini 'berjalan buruk' - saat Ukraina 'melakukan dorongan baru ke Rusia'
16 Maret - Trump mengkonfirmasi bahwa dia akan berbicara dengan Putin untuk membahas perdamaian... tetapi ini akan menjadi pertemuan pertama mereka sejak Ukraina setuju mendukung usulan gencatan senjata yang dipimpin AS. Dengan Kremlin mengkonfirmasi...
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Rival Erdogan Dilarang? Diploma Wali Kota Istanbul Dicabut
Istanbul University has annulled the diploma of Ekrem Imamoglu, a key opposition figure and potential challenger to President Erdogan in Turkey's next election. The move could legally disqualify Imamoglu from running for president, raising concerns about political interference. Imamoglu has strongly condemned the decision, calling it unlawful and politically motivated. His supporters see this as an attempt to weaken the opposition ahead of the elections. The controversy adds to growing tensions in Turkey's political landscape.
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Kesaksian kunci rival Erdogan dicabut dalam langkah yang bisa menghalangi dia dari pemilihan di Turki
ANKARA, Turki (AP) — Sebuah universitas membatalkan diploma Wali Kota Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu pada hari Selasa, dalam langkah yang secara luas dianggap sebagai bermotivasi politik untuk menghalangi tokoh oposisi populer dan rival kunci Presiden Recep Tayyip Erdogan dari ikut dalam pemilihan presiden berikutnya.
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Perselisihan Diploma: Kredensial Lawan Erdogan Dipertanyakan
Universitas Istanbul membatalkan diploma Ekrem Imamoglu, rival politik utama Presiden Erdogan, dengan alasan ketidakberesan. Keputusan ini berdampak pada potensi kandidat presiden Imamoglu karena bisa mendiskualifikasi secara hukum.
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Wali Kota Istanbul İmamoğlu, gelmekte olan cumhurbaşkanlığı adaylığını engellemek için üniversite diploması iptal edildi.
Walikota yang siap untuk maju dalam pemilihan presiden partainya telah menantang keputusan tersebut, menyebutnya sebagai "melanggar hukum."
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Gencatan Senjata Gaza Runtuh: Israel Melancarkan Serangan, Houthi Balas Menyerang
The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas has collapsed, leading to renewed violence in Gaza, where Israeli airstrikes have reportedly killed hundreds. In response, Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen launched a ballistic missile at Israel, which was successfully intercepted. The escalation has drawn international concern, with the U.S. also launching airstrikes in Yemen. Meanwhile, tensions are rising in the West Bank, where Israel is increasing military operations and expanding settlements. The situation threatens to further destabilize the region as diplomatic efforts struggle to restore calm.
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Mengapa gencatan senjata di Gaza runtuh? Mengapa Amerika Serikat meluncurkan serangan udara di Yaman? Tanya Jawab Pakar Timur Tengah
Apa yang telah terlupakan adalah kemungkinan adanya rencana jangka panjang di Tepi Barat, di mana Israel telah meningkatkan operasi militer dan kekerasan semakin meningkat. Saat dunia memperhatikan Gaza, Israel mungkin akan mencoba untuk memperluas dan mengkonsolidasikan pemerintahan de facto mereka melalui pemukiman dalam sebuah program yang akan sama dengan aneksasi.
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World's Most Expensive Dog Sold for £4.4M – A Half-Wolf, Half-Dog Hybrid
A rare 'wolfdog' named Cadabomb Okami has become the world's most expensive dog after being sold for £4.4 million. The buyer, Indian dog breeder S Sathish, is known for his passion for rare and exotic breeds. The dog is a hybrid between a wolf and a Caucasian Shepherd, making it a unique and highly sought-after animal. This record-breaking sale highlights the growing demand for rare and exotic pets among wealthy collectors. The purchase has sparked discussions about the ethics of breeding and selling such hybrid animals.
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‘World’s most expensive dog’ sells for £4.4MILLION as breeder buys ‘Wolfdog’ that is ‘half-pooch & half-wild beast’
THE world’s most expensive dog has sold for a whopping £4.4million – and one of its parents is a wolf. An Indian dog enthusiast dropped the eyewatering sum, equivalent to 500million