다음은 이 유권자의 답변과 비교한 귀하의 답변입니다.
교통 › 대중교통
T>T 개인 답변Yes, It depends on the location. Federal government may assist states or local communities in funding to maintain some public transportation - i.e. old subway systems. |
보건 › 안전 피난처
T>T 개인 답변No, they don't have supervision now and it would just milk the taxpayers to require supervision. Just make all drugs legal and stop the 'drug war' - it is a failure. We didn't have drugs illegal until 100 years ago and people did as they choose. Keep driving or operating anything that endangers others while intoxicated illegal. It's like trying to make drinking illegal - people are going to do what they want regardless of the laws. |
환경 › 플라스틱 제품 금지
T>T 개인 답변네, 생분해 소재가 75% 이상 들어가지 않은 일회용품은 모두 금지합니다. |
이민 › 무슬림 이민자 금지
T>T 개인 답변아니요 |
사회적 › 성적소수자 입양 권리
T>T 개인 답변네, 이성 커플과 동일한 신원 조사를 통과하기만 하면 괜찮습니다 |
외교 정책 › 의무 병역
T>T 개인 답변The military does not want criminals, they like people who have education and skills. Few children at age 18 know what direction they want to pursue, public service for a year - be it military or other service would be very beneficial to aiding maturity for youth. Colleges today generally prolong adolescence. |
범죄 › 범죄자의 투표권
T>T 개인 답변예, 하지만 징역과 가석방/ 보호관찰 기간을 다 끝마친 경우에 한정해야 합니다. |
이민 › 기술 이민자
T>T 개인 답변It needs to be the right amount of visas per job. I have worked in hospitals that import nurses and refuse to high new graduates from local colleges/universities. They say the imported nurses have experience - that's a joke! I had to spend months with my colleagues training them. |
환경 › 동물 실험
T>T 개인 답변Yes, but only under ethical guidelines. NIH and Dr. Fauci have been shown to have known they are funding off shore unethical animal research - that needs to stop. |
선거 › 입후보자의 투명성
T>T 개인 답변No and stop using the IRS as a Gestapo. |
국내 정채 › 소셜 미디어의 정치 광고
T>T 개인 답변Yes, there is too much corruption between all levels of the media and politics. However, we need multiple levels of media that allow for freedom of speech. Many viewpoints should be heard and allow people to decide what is best for them. |
주택 › 노숙자 야영지
T>T 개인 답변No, these folks are putting their selves and our neighborhoods at risk. Most of these people have mental health problems (including addiction) and don't like the rules enforced by the shelters. Therefore, we need to rethink our mental health, drug and alcohol addiction, and homeless shelter programs. |
경제 › 세금
T>T 개인 답변No, that's not the way economics work. No we need lower taxes and less government bureaucracy. |
이민 › 시민권 시험
T>T 개인 답변Yes, and so should all citizens that graduate high school. |
범죄 › 경찰에 대한 환불
T>T 개인 답변아니요, 범죄율이 높은 커뮤니티의 경찰서에 대한 자금 및 교육을 늘립니다. |
국내 정채 › 임기 제한
T>T 개인 답변예 |
국내 정채 › 소셜 미디어 규제
T>T 개인 답변아니요. 정부는 가짜 뉴스인지, 진짜 뉴스인지 판단해서는 안됩니다. |
경제 › 복지
T>T 개인 답변Need more information - this is not a one size fits all answer. |
경제 › 보편적 기본 소득
T>T 개인 답변No, we have been doing this during Covid and it has contributed to "The Great Resignations". People get value, improved mental health, improved physical health, and other benefits from working. |
경제 › 법인세
T>T 개인 답변Lower, provide incentives for employers to come to U.S. communities to provide jobs. Incentive corporations to develop public works, parks, and schools. |
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